Privacy And Policy

Searchurhome hereby commits itself to maintain the privacy and accuracy of information that has been provided on its site and mobile app. The content and design of the website and mobile app are the exclusive property of Searchurhome. We follow accepted standards of security and confidentiality of customer data as practised on the internet. We do not give away any of the user’s personal information without the consent of the user concerned. However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such web sites and mobile app which we do not own, manage or control.

Searchurhome’s privacy policies are subject to change at any time or in future. If there are material changes to any of these privacy policies, we will provide necessary information for those changes and update the effective date of the new policy.

Searchurhome hereby commits itself to maintain the privacy and accuracy of information that has been provided on its site and mobile app. The content and design of the website and mobile app are the exclusive property of Searchurhome. We follow accepted standards of security and confidentiality of customer data as practised on the internet. We do not give away any of the user’s personal information without the consent of the user concerned. However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such web sites and mobile app which we do not own, manage or control.